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Reiki, Pilates and Meditation Happy New Year everyone.

During my time-out from conducting Reiki sessions I have found a new inner peace when meditating by combining Reiki Healing, Pilates and Meditation in that order.  It may also be a co-incidence that my meditations are deeper because Santa (yes I still believe) brought me a bamboo meditation stool for Christmas.  

Now why am I sharing this with you?  Well, I've been searching for a long time to try and deepen my meditational state and try as I may I've never been able to get that deep until now.  My gut feeling here is that I am first of all balancing my energy centres and addressing the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual elements and thereby lining myself up for the next bit.  

The Pilates then allows my body to stretch and my core is pulling out any residual elements of anything that is left. Finally, the meditating then becomes so much easier as my whole being is ready for it.  My breathing is controlled and my attention is on one thing and that's just being in the peace and light.

Now this probably won't work for everyone; however, I would be interested in whether this works for you or not?  If it does then I may teach this is I can.  

Add something else to my list; becoming a Pilates teacher! I am genuinely interested in what you think so please do come back to me as any constructive feedback is always good.

Anyway, I leave you now and whilst I am still on my sabbatical from conducting Reiki for others I hope that this 2014 brings you the inner peace that you are searching for.

Love, light and happiness. Glenn x

As you can probably gather I have embraced the modern culture of the internet and I am personally not afraid of standing behind my beliefs; however, I must let you know that we really do need to be careful when mixing what you do in work versus out!

I have learned that the internet is a powerful tool and I love the fact that you can reach out to so many people around the world; I have learned that sometimes this can come back to bite you.  

People can use what you put on the internet to disadvantage you and poke fun at what it is that you do; they do it through ignorance I think as they unfortunately don't look at the context of the article or the 'You Tube' clip (you will have noticed that I have taken mine down from the site now because of this which I think is really sad; I'm already hearing lots of you saying "why did you do that!")

So the message today is to be careful of what you do and how you do it.  You see the modern life still holds Reiki and Mediumship as taboo; even in the UK the government have now stipulated that in order to teach Reiki you need to have formally taken a teaching course.  

This for me is no big deal as I can see the benefits of doing this; however, I just don't have the time to stop and do another course; as a result this now means that people are looking for accredited teachers.  

Anyway, I know that one day i will do this but just not now. Another area that you need to be cognisant of is the question of practicing Reiki on yourself; this is a key area that I forget to do.  

It's the classic tale of a person who is happy to pass Reiki onto others but forgets themselves.  Sadly, as a result I ran across this recently on Facebook; my cousin was telling me that he had 'Man Flu' (you know that deadly epidemic that cripples us guys); now I find that when I am ill I cannot treat myself so I mistakenly put on FB that I have been ill for 21 days!  

Yes you did hear that right and my cousins wife wrote back to say 'should you practice Reiki on yourself; LMAO'.  Of course she's right but again she used it to make fun as I had previously tried to encourage her to see a Reiki practitioner. So my friends I leave you with just these final words; watch what you put on the internet if you have a professional day job and don't forget to give yourself Reiki if you are a practicing professional.

Love and light always, Glenn x

p>Dear all,

There has been a really good debate on Linkedin regarding Reiki attunements over the Internet and I wanted to make sure that you had access to this if you are interested.  Therefore, please access the following link (not sure if you will have to join Linkedin though).

The link is:


Love and light,


What a bizarre title I here you ask; however, I know that Reiki is exactly what is needed if you are going through a Divorce or you have been through one and you are still living with the pain of separation (no one is immune from this).  

How do I know this, well I am a divorcee (that said, I am now thankfully married to a beautiful woman who is my soul mate) and recently I realized that if you have every been through a Divorce how much anger, hostility and pain you retain (no matter which side or parties are involved).  I might add that I have dealt with all of this and it wasn't until I was speaking to someone that I know yesterday did it suddenly hit me how much Reiki can help.

If you recall or didn't know, three of the founding principles in Reiki are "Today I will not worry" and "Today I will not anger" and "Today I will count my many blessings"; underpinning all of this of course is the Reiki energy.  We hold so much within ourselves in our Chakra centres and it doesn't take very much to throw them off.  Re-balancing the Chakra's can once again give you clarity and peace; I know that you may not believe this but it does.  It also starts you down the road of self healing.   My own Divorce wasn't pretty and I just wish that I could have found Reiki back then; that said I don't think that I would have been able to help now.

So if you are going through the torment of a Divorce, why not look for a registered Reiki Teacher/Practitioner today and regain yourself back again.  They say a leopard can never change it's spots; I don't believe this and I know that it can.

Don't take my word on this; try it first and let me know.

Love and light,

Glenn x

My cousin’s wife has been suffering for a long while with Fibromyalgia (a widespread musculoskeletal pain and fatigue disorder for which the cause of pain is still unknown) and I didn’t know until recently.  To date I have not had a client who suffers with this complaint, so you can imagine as a Reiki Master Teacher I needed to know if any of my peers had used Reiki and what their success rate was like.  So I posted a comment on the Linkedin Group – Reiki and Mediumship Combined and Reiki Healers Worldwide.

Firstly, I was stunned by the response and I would like to personally thank Christine Moss, Janice Chin-Worme, Susan Shining Light Healing, Roberta R Barnes, Walter Harris, Connie Patton, Carolyn Maloney, Joanna Serpanos, Tricia Lyle-Stirling and many others who responded.

Secondly, here is what I found out.  Most of the comments came back with a positive response to Reiki being used to help alleviate and in some cases eradicate the pain over a period of time.  That said, I must balance this statement against some things which need to be addresses in addition to the Reiki sessions.  The root cause of many of the sufferers anguish and pain seemed to be one of two things:

1. Stress – We all know that stress is a major part of our life and how we deal with this issue depends on what our body, aura and soul hold onto.  All of the comments which came back pointed to stress or the holding onto stress as the major issue.  By using Reiki on a regular basis we can rebalance the chakra energy centres, relax the client and help them to release the stress on the Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual levels.  Also, on several occasions it appears that the practitioners have actually taught the client to use Reiki themselves.

2. Diet – Another common area seemed to be where sugar and wheat were incorporated into the diet so when these items were cut-out (check with your Doctor first) things improved.  In addition, (again please check with your Doctor) Malic Acid with Magnesium by Solary was used.

I sincerely hope that this blog helps you if you suffer with Fibromyalgia and please feel free to reach out to me or my peers if we can help further.

Love and light,

Glenn x